
Sinds 2020 heeft Philips een rechtszaak tegen Boombrush aangespannen. Een grootmacht die zich keert tegen een jonge, duurzame innovator – een klassiek verhaal. Maar deze strijd gaat niet alleen over...

Het nieuwe jaar is aangebroken, en bij Boombrush kijken we vol enthousiasme uit naar wat 2025 voor ons in petto heeft. We willen graag onze opwindende plannen met jullie delen,...

Boombrush, de enthousiaste start-up in mondhygiëne heeft haar certificering als B Corporation (of B Corp) aangekondigd en sluit zich aan bij een groeiende groep bedrijven die zichzelf opnieuw uitvinden door naast winst...

Op een stralende dag in juni, bij Boombrush, begonnen we te praten over Black Friday. Black Friday is dé gebeurtenis in de wereld van online winkelen, waar merken zoals de...

Bij Boombrush zijn we altijd op zoek naar manieren om de wereld een stukje beter en duurzamer te maken, en deze Earth Day hebben we iets heel bijzonders voor je...

Op 20 maart vieren we Mondzorgdag, een dag gewijd aan het belang van een goede mondgezondheid. Een gezonde glimlach is niet alleen belangrijk voor je uiterlijk, maar ook voor je...

Het nieuwe jaar is aangebroken, en bij Boombrush kijken we vol enthousiasme uit naar wat 2024 voor ons in petto heeft. We willen graag onze opwindende plannen met jullie delen,...

Our intention always remains to continue to develop and improve oral care, but what can you do about this yourself? In this blog we share a number of good intentions...

Boombrush is tijdens de Website van het Jaar-verkiezing van Emerce uitgeroepen tot ‘Start-up of the Year 2023’. Emerce, het platform voor online retail, beoordeelt jaarlijks de beste websites in 38...

Cleanhub is begonnen vanuit liefde voor de oceaan. De bedenkers van Clean Hub kwamen erachter hoeveel kilo plastic er jaarlijks in de oceaan belandt:11 miljard kilo! Ze besloten om hun...

Het zal jullie vast niet ontgaan zijn, Boombrush heeft een nieuwe look! Na maanden van hard werken achter de schermen, aan onze nieuwe huisstijl, hebben we eindelijk onze nieuwe website en...

Mother's Day is a special day to honor our mothers and show our appreciation for them. It's a day when we put our mothers in the spotlight and show how...

Did you know that you can track your Refill via the PostNL app? You will receive a notification in the app on your phone when your Refill is on its...

Good intentions, perhaps it has already been a topic of conversation at the kitchen table. The origin of this phenomenon goes back to the Babylonian times where promises were made...

December is the time for many people to do their shopping for the holidays such as Sinterklaas and Christmas. When ordering all the presents for your friends and family, you...

It's almost that time again: Christmas is coming! For many people, the December holidays are one of the most enjoyable times of the year. Enjoy each other's company, good food...

Just like with the decoration of the rest of the house, there are also trends that have to do with the look of your bathroom. It is currently very trendy...

Do you brush your teeth every day? You will always be reminded of this during your visit to the dentist or dental hygienist. When you then walk into the drugstore...

In the year 1963, Harvey Ball developed the most cheerful and one of the most used symbols today, namely the Smiley. The Smiley is a symbol that is used all...

September 6th is Sustainable Tuesday! And whoever says sustainable .. says Boombrush of course. By brushing your teeth with a Boombrush you are doing a great job when it comes...

Contributing to the environment, teeth that have never been so clean and fresh and saving on a walk to the drugstore. With the BOOM Paste you get it all! If...

We can go on vacation again! And who wants to worry about charging your toothbrush on holiday?! Whether you are going away for a weekend in the Netherlands, making a...

Boombrush is a fast-growing brand with a mission: to make brushing teeth more fun and easier. If you have a Boombrush with a subscription, you will never have to buy...

We all try to brush our teeth for 2 minutes at least twice a day, right? But have you ever paid attention to how to brush? And how do you...

In the past decade, a new type of tooth brushing has been introduced, sonic tooth brushing. But what is this actually? And how does it differ from normal electric? A...

TreesForAll is a Dutch organization that is committed to reforestation and the protection of existing forests. The organization works with companies, individuals and governments to plant trees and thus contribute...

Every set of teeth is different, which automatically means that every person can have a different preference for brush heads. We regularly get the question from our loyal cleaners whether...

Are you also playing around with your child every morning or evening to make the brushing ritual successful? Or would you like tips on how to improve your child's oral...

A lot has happened in the past 2 years, but the most important thing is that we give more than 10,000 people a fresh smile every day! We thought this...

A large proportion of people forget to replace their brush head in time. Tell yourself, how long ago was the last time you replaced your cup? There's a good chance...

Whaaaaa, finally we can tell you, we participated in Dragons' Den! And why? Because we are convinced that oral care should be more fun, sustainable and affordable. In December 2020,...

Honestly, how long do you use your toothbrush attachment before you replace it with a new one? Chances are your answer to this question is: too long. But why is...

It is clear that we have made brushing our teeth part of our habit. From an early age we are taught to perform this act when we get up and...

Spring is a beautiful season characterized by nice weather, blooming flowers and birdsong. It's a time when we get out more and enjoy nature. But spring is also a good...

We promise that the Boombrush will be your last toothbrush ever, but then you have to take good care of it. Do you have a Boombrush at home and do...

We? We are BOOMBRUSH. The sonic toothbrush subscription to a healthy smile. We believe that everything starts with a healthy mouth. Not only because your mouth is your business card,...