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BOOMBRUSH x Dragons' Den

Whaaaaa, finally we can tell you, we participated in Dragons' Den! And why? Because we are convinced that oral care should be more fun, sustainable and affordable.

In December 2020, Boombrush was asked to participate in the second season of TV show Dragons' Den. Kim and Elias didn't have to think twice about that and they grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Dutch entrepreneurs come to Dragons' Den to pitch their idea to 5 investors, who can invest if they find the idea interesting enough.

Look at here the snippet from Elias and Kim.

We are convinced that dental care can be more fun, easier and more affordable. We convey this in the pitch and tell you about the importance of good oral care. It is our mission to offer as many people as possible everything in the field of preventive oral care. We would like to thank Dragons Den and the dragons themselves for the great opportunity to present our story here!

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