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Boombrush x Trees for All

TreesForAll is a Dutch organization that is committed to reforestation and the protection of existing forests. The organization works with companies, individuals and governments to plant trees and thus contribute to a greener and healthier world. It is therefore no surprise that Boombrush has become a partner of TreesForAll. To ensure a sustainable and green future together.

Contribute to a sustainable future

By working together with TreesForAll, we contribute to a sustainable future. We find this very important. Forests play a crucial role in capturing CO2 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By planting trees, Trees for All helps combat climate change and create a healthier living environment with good biodiversity.

Corporate Social Responsibility

A collaboration with TreesForAll is in line with our ambition to do business in a socially responsible manner. By contributing to a sustainable future, we show that it is not about maximum profit, but about leaving a positive and sustainable impact on the oral care industry and our environment.

Positive impact on local communities

Planting trees not only has a positive impact on the climate, but also on local communities. TreesForAll works together with local partners and ensures that trees are planted where they are most needed. By involving local communities in planting trees, TreesForAll provides employment and a better living environment.

In short, our cooperation creates a win-win situation. If you purchase a brush from Boombrush, you know that you are contributing to a better living environment and environment. And you also support a fantastic initiative to make the world a bit greener!